Thursday, November 29, 2012


I can’t believe it has already been a year since I applied to McGill!
What caught my attention the first time I heard about it, 13 months ago, was not only the fact that McGill in ranked among the best Universities in the world but also the fact that it is located in Montreal, Canada.

Living in Madagascar, I have always dreamed about coming to Canada. With McGill, I saw an opportunity to make my dreams come true. That’s why, after doing some researches about the University known as the Harvard of Canada and the city of Montreal, I ended up submitting my application.

In the following months, with the French Baccalaureate exam coming closer, I didn’t really have time to think about the application I submitted anymore. However, when I received the letter stating that I was accepted, I just forgot about the upcoming French Baccalaureate. I started completing the Canadian Visa application forms and gathering the needed papers.

Once I got my visa, I could finally come to Canada, the country I have always dreamed about!
3 months have already passed since I landed to Montreal and I can tell that I have really enjoyed the past 3 months, learning new things, not only at the University, but also about life.

Pleased with the decision I made a year ago, I am looking forward to the next few years I am going to spend over here. 

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